65. You’re More Than Just “Mom” (And It’s Okay to Want More)

You used to be the one with the big laugh, the wild ideas, the spark.

Now? You’re drowning in laundry, following parenting experts, and negotiating with tiny humans over bedtime pajamas.

The “old you” feels so distant, like a ghost of a past life that doesn’t even seem real anymore.

Maybe you’ve tried to find your people - your mom friends - but those motherhood spaces leave you feeling… off. Like you can’t talk about yourself (your wins or your losses) because the focus is always on the babes: tips, advice, milestone chatter.

Parenting with More Joy, Less Trying to Win The Good Mom Award

I don’t know about you, but I’ve consumed a lot of social media wisdom on “creating space” and breaking cycles in parenting - creating space for emotions, for play, for being a whole human (not just a snack dispenser in mom jeans). And I know I’m not alone—many of my clients (and, let’s be honest, me too) are trying to break cycles.

But somewhere in all that “knowing better,” I found myself chasing parenting awards that do not actually exist:

🏆 Followed the most experts
🏆 Always say yes
🏆 Be empathetic (but not too permissive—where’s that d*mn line?)
🏆 Never medicate
🏆 Never ask for help
🏆 I can do it all on my own
🏆 Most caffeinated
🏆 All the colorful foods (spoiler alert: my kids are still picky as sh!
🏆 Never let emotions or baggage be projected onto tiny humans, or I'm a BAD parent

But not anymore. I’m a therapist, so I should know better, right?

Nope. I’ve lost my sh!t on my kids. I don’t always have it figured out. Even after 15 years of working through my baggage, I still have messy moments.

Parenting isn’t about winning invisible awards—it’s about making space for joy, connection, and the messy, beautiful in-between.

That’s exactly what we unpack in this week’s podcast episode with Jenny Gwinn McGlothern.

We talk about the reality of intentional parenting - the kind that embraces imperfection.

We talked about making space for play, parenting without perfectionism, and why morning rituals actually matter. And if you're feeling stuck in the same cycles, this episode might be the nudge you need to shift your attention, set meaningful intentions for the year, and bring more joy into your daily life.

So… How Do We Find Joy Again?

How do we create space for joy and connection in the midst of motherhood chaos? Here’s what we explore in this episode:

  • 🌿 Creating Space for Aliveness and Joy – Practical ways to carve out even the tiniest moments to reconnect with yourself.

  • 🎭 Navigating Challenging Emotional Conversations – Because the hard stuff doesn’t have to drain you; it can actually connect you.

  • 🤝 The Power of Communication and Collaboration in Parenting – You don’t have to do this alone. (Yes, really.)

  • 🔍 Shifting Focus from Problems to Joyful Moments – What happens when we stop trying to “fix” everything and start noticing the good?

  • 🧘‍♀️ Daily Rituals to Promote Mindfulness and Self-Care – The stuff that actually fits into real mom life.

  • 🎯 Redefining Standards of Parenting and Embracing Imperfection – Because no one actually wins the “perfect parent” game.

Making Space for Your Aliveness (Yes, Even With Kids Around)

We encourage play in kids because we know it’s essential. So why does it feel like a luxury for you? Play doesn’t vanish in adulthood - it just gets buried under responsibility, to-do lists, and the myth that productivity is the only thing that matters.

This is your invitation to shift from feeling invisible to feeling alive again - to unearth the parts of you that got lost under expectations. The parts that used to journal, doodle, dance, and move simply because it felt good. The parts of you that once expressed something real, without worrying about judgment.

Your aliveness isn’t some relic packed away in a box next to your pre-baby jeans in the basement. You can bring it upstairs, slip it on, and remember - it still fits. It’s still you.

Motherhood doesn’t mean losing yourself. It’s an invitation to integrate who you are (mom, mommy, mama) with who you’re becoming. And creativity? It’s not extra. It’s how we process, heal, and function as whole humans (even if capitalism and the patriarchy would rather we forget that).

Journal Prompts to Spark Your Aliveness in Motherhood

You don’t need a whole day off or a silent retreat (although, let’s be honest, that sounds incredible). Sometimes, it starts with a tiny crack - an opening for self-expression and creative joy.

Try these journal prompts:

  • I feel most like myself when...

  • A playful moment I loved as a child was...

  • If I could create anything without judgment, I would...

  • Something small that brings me joy is...

  • The last time I truly laughed, I was...

  • I want to invite more ___ into my life…

  • If I had 30 minutes of uninterrupted time, I would...

  • One way I can make space for creativity this week is...

  • I used to love ___, and I wonder what would happen if I tried it again…

  • A time when I felt deeply alive was...

Motherhood Shouldn’t Mean Losing Who You Are

As we navigate through the realities of modern parenthood, we also confront pressures imposed by societal standards of what defines a “good parent.”

But here’s the truth: those standards are bullsh!t.

You don’t have to fit into a box. You don’t have to disappear behind the label of “Mom.” You are still you, and your aliveness - the spark, the laughter, the big ideas—is not gone. It’s just waiting for space to breathe.

So, take this as your permission slip: Step back into yourself. Reclaim your joy. Pick up the paintbrush, the pen, the music, the movement - whatever makes you feel alive.

Because the best thing you can give your kids? A mother who is fully, unapologetically herself.

The Motherload Membership (TMM): A Space for You

That’s why I created The Motherload Membership (TMM) - a space that’s a little different, a little weird (the good kind), and way more you than you might expect.

If you’re craving a space where you can reconnect with yourself, get real support, and break free from the pressure to be “good,” TMM is for you.

It’s not about putting on a show, playing the “perfect mom,” or fitting into some cookie-cutter version of motherhood that Instagram told you you should be. Nope. You don’t have to fade into the background any longer.

You’re meant to shine - and TMM is where we’ll remind you how to light up again, in all your wild, creative, messy glory.

So, tell me - what’s one small thing you can do today that makes you feel alive? Message me, comment below, or just whisper it to yourself as a reminder: you still matter.

🌿 Doors are open - come join us and reclaim your aliveness.

Chill Like a Mother Podcast Guest:

Jenny Gwinn McGlothern, life coach, creator of the sack-lunch-mini-retreat and author of Mama Needs a Refill: Finding Light in the Midst of Madness, helps her clients discover their own authentic fuel to support their soul care while caring for others.

"As you honor the different ways to refill, leave comparison at the back door."


What readers are saying about Jenny’s book Mama Needs a Refill: Finding Light in the Midst of Madness:

"I’m busy so I loved the short chapter format. The ideas and stories shared were thoughtful, vulnerable, and honest. I felt like the author was my friend and we were having a cup of coffee and chatting." -- Julie P., first grader teacher and mother of 3

"We are each on a lifelong journey of learning how to honor ourselves and to be good, loving humans. To do this, we need to know how to recharge our own batteries. No one can do it for us. This book gives us permission and a path to fill our own cups. It’s a gift we all need." - Emily D., client, retreat attendee and avid book reader

Follow Kayla on her Instagram account @kayla.huszar

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This information is for educational purposes only. Kayla cannot provide personalized advice or recommendations for your unique situation or circumstances. Therefore, nothing on this page or website should replace therapeutic recommendations or personalized advice. If you require such services, please consult with a medical or therapeutic provider to determine what's best for you. Kayla cannot be held responsible for your use of this website or its contents. Please never disregard or delay seeking medical or therapeutic treatment because of something you read or accessed through this website.

© 2025 Kayla Huszar - All Rights Reserved.

Kayla Huszar

Kayla Huszar is a Registered Social Worker and Expressive Arts Therapist who guides millennial mothers to rediscover their authentic selves through embodied art-making, encouraging them to embrace the messy, beautiful realities of their unique motherhood journeys. Through individual sessions and her signature Motherload Membership, Kayla cultivates a brave space for mothers to explore their identities outside of their role as parents, connect with their intuition and inner rebellious teenager, and find creative outlets for emotional expression and self-discovery.


66. Gentle Parenting, ADHD, and Raising a Neurodiverse Kid Without Losing Your Mind


Mom Burnout is Real - Read This Before You Hit Your Breaking Point.