You’re Not Losing Yourself Mama- You’re Just Not Making Time for You (Here’s How to Fix That)

Honestly, there’s no magical extra hour in the day for moms.

Between school drop-offs, meal preps, and making sure everyone else is taken care of, your creative side (and let’s face it, your sanity) often get buried. You might not have time, but you also do—and that’s where I come in.

Reclaim Your Creative Spark in Just 60 Minutes a Week (Yes, Even if You’re the Default Parent)

TL;DR: Feeling overwhelmed, like your identity is drowning in motherhood? The Motherload membership offers a weekly open studio for creative therapy designed to give you space for emotional release, self-discovery, and creative freedom—on your terms, no judgment. Join live or watch the recording—no pressure, just peace.

“Creativity is a non negotiable for me - it’s just one way I stay sane and chill in motherhood”

I’m Kayla, a Registered Social Worker and expressive art therapist. Why do I love hosting these sessions? Because I’ve seen firsthand what happens when moms finally take time for themselves—they begin to breathe again. They get back in touch with their creativity, their identity, and their emotions in ways they didn’t know they needed. For me, there’s no greater joy than watching someone peel back their layers, reconnect with who they are, and find the peace that’s been missing.

Why Creative Time for Moms Is Non-Negotiable

Let’s address the elephant in the room: time. It’s a tricky thing, right? As the default parent, it’s like time for yourself has vanished into thin air, while your partner seems to magically have it for a workout or a night with friends. But here’s the reality—you can carve out the time. You just haven’t given yourself permission yet.

Cue the Motherload membership: a weekly 60-minute space where you get to tap back into you.

No, this isn’t just another “self-care” workshop where you’ll feel guilty for not lighting candles or meditating perfectly. This is about you showing up as you are—whether that’s with a cup of coffee in hand, art journal on your lap, or just ready to scribble out the chaos of your mind.

I’ll guide you through the process, with no pressure to create something beautiful—just something real.

What You’ll Get from the Motherload Open Studio:

  1. Guided Creativity: Whether it's art journaling, writing, or movement, the Motherload sessions give you space to express yourself freely, without the burden of expectation or judgment.

  2. Therapeutic Coaching: I’m trained in expressive art therapy, and I’ll guide you through imaginative visualizations that help you tap into your emotions and creativity. You’ll find calm, emotional regulation, and a clearer sense of who you are beyond “Mom.”

  3. Community (Without the Pressure): This is a relaxed, non-judgmental space. No one’s here to give you unsolicited advice or tell you what to do. We trust that you’ll come to your own answers through reflection, journaling, and conversation. And if you don’t feel like sharing, that’s cool, too.

  4. Flexibility on Your Terms: Can’t attend live? No worries! You’ll get the recording and can tune in whenever you’re ready. This is about your journey, not about showing up “perfectly” every week.

How the Guided Sessions Work:

Here’s the framework for our sessions:

  • Ease into the session: No need to rush in stressed. We start slowly, giving you time to arrive in both body and mind.

  • Teaching & Visualization: I’ll lead you through a therapeutic visualization or teaching that helps you drop into your creative zone. These are imaginative and calming, designed to make you feel at ease.

  • Creative Expression: You can journal, create art, or write—whatever feels right for you. There are no rules, only what you need in that moment.

  • Reflection: I’ll provide journal prompts that invite introspection—whether you want to go deep or keep it light. You’ll have space to reflect on feelings like self-compassion, processing grief, or discovering creative blocks.

  • Closing: We’ll wrap up with a debrief and optional sharing. This is where real breakthroughs often happen. Like one of our members said:

Rumor has it:

“I shared how grief was holding me back, and it felt like layers of sadness and anger peeled away as I wrote, spoke, and cried. The space Kayla and the group held for me helped me find answers to questions I didn’t even know I had.” - C.R., mom of two, Motherload Member

Four Simple Ways to Prepare for Your Studio Time:

  1. Take time to arrive: Don’t rush into the session. Take a moment to breathe and settle yourself.

  2. Create your space: Find a cozy, quiet corner to focus. You don’t need a formal desk setup—just somewhere comfortable where you can be present.

  3. Gather your supplies: Grab your art journal, pens, pastels, or whatever feels right. If you need materials, I’ll happily mail you some!

  4. Give yourself permission: Let go of the guilt and any old messaging that says taking this time for yourself is selfish. This is your sacred time. You deserve it.

The Ultimate Mom-Life Goal: More Peace, More You

Through our weekly open studio sessions, you’ll start to experience:

  • Emotional release: Letting go of the stress that builds up from constantly putting others first.

  • Creative freedom: Reclaiming the parts of yourself that love to create, whether it’s art or just a space to think and feel.

  • Calm & clarity: With each session, you’ll feel more regulated emotionally and mentally—able to handle the messiness of life with a little more ease.

I’ve heard all the excuses. “I’m too busy. My partner works late. I’m always the one holding everything together.”

But here’s the thing: you can keep putting yourself last - or you can start making time for yourself. The Motherload membership gives you that space, even if it’s just 60 minutes a week.

You don’t have wait till the stars align perfectly, you just have to show up.

Every month
Every year

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every month.

✓ Weekly Live Virtual Open Studio
✓ A plethora of creative coping tools
✓ Access to Kayla, a creative counsellor + coach for moms

Join us when you’re ready. If you can’t make it live, you’ll still get the recording. And if you decide this isn’t for you? No hard feelings. Your journey, your time, your pace.

Kayla Huszar

I believe that women are not given the tools to succeed in parenting. Constantly striving for an unattainable standard leaves mothers feeling inadequate and overwhelmed.

Through the use of creative arts, there is a beautiful moment of sacred stillness. A simple act of intentional creativity can remind a mother of who she is, what is truly important, and what she is capable of.

I aim to provide the best creative arts services both online and in person, because every mother deserves a simple and effective outlet for finding chill, being vibrant and feeling alive.

50. Invisible No More:  Feeling Seen As A Mom


3 Steps to Handle Tears and Guilt At Drop Offs