Mom Rage

A self paced workshop to help you uncover the source of your anger so that you can be a more regulated parent.

If you hear one more person tell you just need more self-care, you'll snap. 

It's late at night, and the kids are in bed. You're swiping through your camera roll, thinking, "Why was I so mad." Suddenly, you feel guilt and grief over how you managed your emotions! 

You are not alone in this! I'm going to be honest. Anger is a natural and reasonable response under the crushing pressure of being a "good" mom. So, what can you do about it? You are invited to this workshop to find out!

Mama, are you ready to deal with the anger so that you lose your sh*t less and are more regulated? 

The endless cycle of trying not to be mad, feeling mad and then getting mad anyway makes you feel like there's something wrong with you. But here's the thing: the anger is not the problem. You are not the problem. You just don't have someone in your corner guiding you through a new approach and cheering you on.

Mom Rage Workshop

Learn the art of dealing with anger in this 3-hour workshop for moms. Uncover the source of the anger, learn to notice your triggers from a mile away, and start regulating your emotions even when you are about to explode

By the workshop's end, you will be able to regulate your emotions even when your child is not

“I LOVE journal prompts, and I appreciated the guided meditation. Because of this workshop, I look at my anger differently - not in the context of good or bad, but of what it’s trying to direct my attention to and not let it build up.”

— Darla

“This workshop has helped me reconnect with parts of myself that I have unintentionally lost and intentionally numbed out. ”

— Sara

Uncover the source of your anger so that you can deal with it and stop feeling guilty.

Have you been scrolling Instagram trying to figure out how not to be an angry mom?

I know you feel like you “know” better because you are trying to break cycles and be a more gentle parent,
but scrolling won’t fix it.

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